
May 2010
This is some General Information and Background (Page under development)

Home > Planning and Environment > Planning > Planning Policy > Local Development Framework > Evidence base studies > Housing Studies > Strategic Housing Land Availability Assessment (SHLAA)

As I understand the situation at present, the Council says it is only considering representations about its Pre-Submission Core Strategy document which is at :

Home > Planning and Environment > Planning > Planning Policy > Local Development Framework > Havant Borough Core Strategy > Pre-Submission Core Strategy

However this “Core” document is supported by the SHLAA and many other documents. According to the Notice (attached), objections have to be on the grounds of “soundness” or legal compliance.

My best guess at present is to try to object by saying that the Core doc is “unsound” on several grounds as follows :

–          Appendix 4 in the Core doc (p 163 of 185 pages!) shows a map of Havant Urban areas – but says this will be revised to include any new Urban Extensions. This means UE30 which is not shown could be included at any time in the future. This is unfair on the residents of the area as it creates uncertainty for an indeterminate period

–          By relying on SHLAA (3rd edition, Jan 10), it fails to ensure suitability of areas of housing development, specifically relating this to UE30 on page 159. No response was given to the many objections raised by residents in April 08 re inadequate access and infrastructure and damage to the character of the areas + other objections

–          It fails on the criteria of “caring for the borough” by failing to ensure effective stewardship of the natural environment eg by potentially allowing the use of a Grade 1 Green field site previously designated as a “strategic gap”, which also is an accepted Brent Geese site

However I have no expertise in these matters so this only my own judgment which is also a “work in progress” at present. Ron Tate has more experience and expertise so I have copied him on this note. We hope to have a clearer idea by the time of the Elms meeting so I hope you can make it.

Any advice or thoughts you can bring to the subject is most welcome